Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm in Ur Hard Drive Fucking Up Ur Files

Ahh, technology. So our computer died. Not that it was much of a surprise. We bought a replacement a few months ago, but we were still in the process of moving over some files. Like the next three weeks' worth of posts I'd written. Oh, and things like our vacation pics and half of our wedding photos. Doh.
So with a little luck the friendly nerds at Geek Squad will be able to salvage Ol' Bessie long enough for me to slide all my notes over to a jump drive. Otherwise, I'll be desperately trying to rewrite everything. And that really sucks since I'm only a third of a way through a trio of truly intriguing musical adventures featuring Jake Cregger.
Anyhow, things will likely be slow around here for the next week or so while I get this straightened out. Meanwhile, I recommend you avail yourselves of all the other intelligent people out there (conveniently listed to the right). Hopefully I'll be back up to regular posting speed in a few days.


Zmaj said...

Oh man, sucks. :[

Hopefully, all is well and salvageable. The files that is.

Anonymous said...

that sucks. gotta drop some thx you've introduced me to so many awesome bands its ridiculous

Invisible Oranges said...

Oh man, I just read this. I know the pain. Here's a suggestion - try writing documents "in the cloud." I use Google Documents, and that way everything is online, accessible anywhere with Internet. Good luck with getting back up to speed!

Anonymous said...

piracy affects porn but it's still winner during the crunch

Anonymous said...

does anyone think porn is the only business still thriving during the credit cruch? I think many folks seek refuge in buying and wanking porn during the crunch