Friday, January 20, 2012

You Grind...But Why?: Hip Cops

Will BSP is a grindcore renaissance man, juggling the (sadly defunct) Hip Cops, awesome Extreme Noise Terror name-checking Bullshit Propaganda Records and the excellent Don't Be Swindle blog/zine. It's an intense schedule for an intense guy. But Will's the kinda dude whose whole life seems to be caught up in a mosh.

"There's something different about me from most people I know," Will said. "I don't know if it's a problem or a benefit. Most people would feel good to be relaxed or well-rested, but I never stop. I purposely sleep less hours per night than the average person, and leap out of bed ready to do 10 things at once before the sun rises. I like to listen to different music on multiple stereos at the same time. I work three jobs. Everything is in my face, all of the time with the volume on life cranked to the max. When I discovered grindcore, everything clicked. The usual punk and hardcore was never quite fast enough, so that it was on par with the speed that I approached life. Sometimes the music just keeps up with me, and other times it's like a mental bulldozer while I stare at the wall without a thought on my mind five minutes before falling asleep. A slate-cleaner, if you will. I just got lucky that the lyrics that often accompany grindcore also fit the worldview that I already have in regards to social and political issues, sweetening the pie. That's why I grind."


Anonymous said...

Hip Cops were so awesome- "in the shadow of a grinding death" is essential.

Perpetual Strife said...

Guys sounds like me, although I'm way more neurotic than productive. Very funny though, and interesting. I'd like to check in on him when he's part of the Olde Crew (not Youth Crew)